
Hello and welcome! We are Carrie and matt along with Anna Grace & Nathan riley

Thank you for being brave in every way!

We are ready and we are excited, but this isn’t about us. What you are doing is absolutely amazing. You are doing what is best for you and your child. 

We are so in love and have 12 year old twins, Anna Grace and Nathan Riley. It took us over 6 years to be blessed with them and we have loved every moment of being parents!

We are further blessed to be supported by our immediate and extended families. We think we are able to provide the kind of home that is most able to support and love a new child and have so much love to give.

Our family shares the important values of love, respect, faith, responsibility and generosity. Whether it be during the normal family routine or during an event, vacation or trip, we always do it together.

Please know that we couldn’t be more respectful of you. We will never know what it is like to be in your shoes, but we will do everything possible to earn your respect.


Our story

We are high school sweethearts!

The most important part is that we have been in love since we first saw each other, even though we may not have realized the gravity of that at that time. We both pursued our passions, education and careers. One way or the other, we were able to share the journey together. Most, we think, dream of a perfect marriage proposal, in some beautiful setting, with a photographer on hand, perfectly planned out. The thing that defines us, is that we decided to get married, simply, while cooking a meal together and we just looked at each other and said …yup, this is it…”. 

We just can’t help but make decisions together. We aren’t always on the same page, but we always end up at the same place. The thing that brought it all together was the road trip we took as young adults. We literally drove an old truck and trailer around the country for 3 months seeing sights we had both never experienced. It set the tone.

We have been blessed to create our own family and that has been our greatest journey. Together is our biggest strength and the place we call home. By far the most important thing to us has always been family.


A little more about us

Where we live

Southern New Jersey


Carrie: B.S. in Psychology
Matt: B.S. in Operations Management


Carrie: Stay at home mom
Matt: Real Estate Investor


Carrie: Fitness, exercising and healthy eating
Matt: Fishing, camping and just about anything outdoors


Roman Catholic

The most important thing you should know about us

We are high school sweethearts and have been married for 19 years. We have boy/girl twins - 12 years old. Our extended families are part of our daily lives and we all share the values of love, respect, responsibility and generosity.

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
— Ephesians 4:2-3

Our home and family

Our twins, Anna and Nathan, have been our amazing blessing. At 12 years old, they have helped us know what our family is all about. 

Anna is a natural at providing support. She has always wanted our family to grow and loves to cater to her younger cousins. Her kindness has always amazed us, and she is ready to welcome a new blessing. 

Nathan is an old-soul and makes us laugh every day. He loves the outdoors and makes every moment that much more fun. Kind and supportive of everyone, Nate is the one that keeps us level and gives out all the hugs.

We have been in our current community for 13 years. We both grew up less than 10 miles away. Our neighborhood is filled with our friends. Having a BBQ on a Sunday, jumping around on the trampoline, sitting around a fire or throwing a pool party is our routine. We all know each other and see our friends all the time, whether it be out on a dog walk, at the soccer field, at the best local eateries or hanging out watching football games.

The elementary school is in our neighborhood, and the middle and high school are very close. All the schools are great and the kids have been able to take their journey with the same classmates and friends. Truly a neighborhood feel in every way, Anna and Nate ride their bikes to their friends’ houses and they know all the shortcuts. 

We both grew up spending our summer at the beach, which is no more than 1hr away, and we are proud to continue the family tradition. Riding bikes on the boardwalk, surfing at twilight or getting up early to go fishing make the summer fly by. 


Fun facts about us

We will teach our children

  • Ask questions As parents we have our pre-formed opinions of the world, but our most important job is to teach our children to be curious and find their own answers.

  • Work hard We can get to where we want in life, but only through our commitment to bettering ourselves and the world around us.

  • Give more than you get Recognize that you can give more than you get, and exercise that every day.

  • Family first Our family is our support system. They allow us to achieve our goals and they are always there for us.

  • Life is short Through life experiences, we know how fragile it all can be and how much every day is a blessing.


Thank you!

Thank you so much for learning about us.

Should this feel like it could be a great match for you, please contact us at any time.  We mean it – we are here to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible and make sure you know everything you want to know about us.  We are open to any kind of discussion you might want to have and at the best time for you.  Again, your bravery is an inspiration and we will always honor it.

We do not know how you might be feeling. We hope we have shown ourselves and our family in a way that is real and transparent. 

Your child will become our family’s focus. You can expect that your child will be raised to become the best version of themselves. We promise to love and support your child and let them grow into that wonderful unique individual they are.

We hope you have gotten to know us and our extended families a bit. We could not be more blessed to have this opportunity and just want to say, again…thank you.


Contact carrie and matt

Deborah E. Spivack


Call or text
(856) 857-1155


Thank you for contacting us!